Dr. Michael Hallek is the founder of the German CLL Study Group and was instrumental in the formation of the European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC). Dr. Hallek received his medical degree from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and he was a research associate at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Between 1994 and 2005, he was head of the Gene Therapy program at the Gene Center at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and was head of the Clinical Cooperation Group for Gene Therapy at the GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health in Munich. Since 2003, he has been a Professor of Internal Medicine, Director and Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine I at the University Hospital of Cologne, and he is the Director of the Center of Integrated Oncology (CIO) in Cologne. He has received several awards, including the Rai-Binet Medal in 2013. Dr. Hallek is currently an associate editor of Blood, the premier journal of the American Society of Hematology.
A set of video clips in which Dr. Hallek discusses the development of his research may be found in the Oral History archive.
Collected Works
- Hallek M, Seidler A. Medizinstudium in Frankreich: eine alternative zur ausbildung in Deutschland. Fortschr Med. 1985 Apr 25;103(16):88-9.
- Reinberg A, Hallek M, Levi F, Touitou Y, Smolensky M. Aspects of chronopharmacology and chronotherapy in pediatrics. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1987;227B:249-58.
- Reinberg A, Smolensky M, Labrecque G, Hallek M. Aspects of chronopharmacology and chronotherapy in children. Chronobiologia. 1987 Jul-Sep;14(3):303-25.
- Reinberg A, Smolensky MH, Hallek M, Smith KD, Steinberger E. Annual variation in semen characteristics and plasma hormone levels in men undergoing vasectomy. Fertil Steril. 1988 Feb;49(2):309-15.
- Hallek M, Szinicz L. Effects of some mono- and bisquaternary ammonium compounds on the reactivatability of soman-inhibited human acetylcholinesterase in vitro. Biochem Pharmacol. 1988 Mar 1;37(5):819-25.
- Reithmann C, Arbogast H, Hallek M, Auburger G, Szinicz L. Studies on the role of central catecholaminergic mechanisms in the antidotal effect of the oxime HI 6 in soman poisoned mice. Arch Toxicol. 1988 Aug;62(1):41-4.
- Hallek M, Emmerich B, Strohmeyer S, Busch R, Reichle A, Senekowitsch R. Activity of serum thymidine kinase in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: relationship to other prognostic factors. Klin Wochenschr. 1988 Aug 15;66(16):718-23.
- Hallek M, Lévi F, Haen E, Emmerich B. Bedeutung der chronopharmakologie für die onkologie. Onkologie. 1989 Oct;12(5):230-8.
- Emmerich B, Emslander HP, Milatovic D, Hallek M, Pachmann K. Effects of a bacterial extract on local immunity of the lung in patients with chronic bronchitis. Lung. 1990;168 Suppl:726-31.
- Emmerich B, Emslander HP, Pachmann K, Hallek M, Milatovic D, Busch R. Local immunity in patients with chronic bronchitis and the effects of a bacterial extract, Broncho-Vaxom, on T lymphocytes, macrophages, gamma-interferon and secretory immunoglobulin A in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and other variables. Respiration. 1990;57(2):90-9.
- Liebl B, Pachmann K, Römer U, Haen E, Hallek M, Emmerich B. Quantitation of mRNA for the beta-adrenoceptor gene in human mononuclear leucocytes by in situ hybridization with fluorochrome labeled cloned DNA. J Recept Res. 1991;11(1-4):473-82.
- Engelhard M, Meusers P, Brittinger G, Brack N, Dornoff W, Enne W, Gassmann W, Gerhartz H, Hallek M, Heise J, Hettchen W, Huhn D, Kabelitz K, Kuse R, Lengfelder E, Ludwig F, Meuthen I, Radtke H, Schadeck C, Schöber C, Schumacher E, Siegert W, Staiger HJ, Terhardt E, Thiel E, Thomas M, Wagner T, Willems MG, Wilmanns W, Zwingers T, Stein H, Tiemann M, Lennert K. Prospective multicenter trial for the response-adapted treatment of high-grade malignant non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas: updated results of the COP-BLAM/IMVP-16 protocol with randomized adjuvant radiotherapy. Ann Oncol. 1991 Feb;2 Suppl 2:177-80.
- Hallek M, Kamp T, Haen E, Göhly U, Emmerich B, Remien J. Reduced responsiveness of adenylate cyclase to forskolin in human lymphoma cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 1991 Sep 12;42(7):1329-34.
- Melchart D, Martin P, Hallek M, Holzmann M, Jurcic X, Wagner H. Circadian variation of the phagocytic activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and of various other parameters in 13 healthy male adults. Chronobiol Int. 1992;9(1):35-45.
- Okuda K, Sanghera JS, Pelech SL, Kanakura Y, Hallek M, Griffin JD, Druker BJ. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-3, and steel factor induce rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of p42 and p44 MAP kinase. Blood. 1992 Jun 1;79(11):2880-7.
- Hallek M, Wanders L, Strohmeyer S, Emmerich B. Thymidine kinase: a tumor marker with prognostic value for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and a broad range of potential clinical applications. Ann Hematol. 1992 Jul;65(1):1-5.
- Hallek M, Druker B, Lepisto EM, Wood KW, Ernst TJ, Griffin JD. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and steel factor induce phosphorylation of both unique and overlapping signal transduction intermediates in a human factor-dependent hematopoietic cell line. J Cell Physiol. 1992 Oct;153(1):176-86.
- Hallek M, Lepisto EM, Slattery KE, Griffin JD, Ernst TJ. Interferon-gamma increases the expression of the gene encoding the beta subunit of the granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor. Blood. 1992 Oct 1;80(7):1736-42.
- Matsuguchi T, Salgia R, Hallek M, Eder M, Druker B, Ernst TJ, Griffin JD. Shc phosphorylation in myeloid cells is regulated by granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interleukin-3, and steel factor and is constitutively increased by p210BCR/ABL. J Biol Chem. 1994 Feb 18;269(7):5016-21.
- Hallek M, Ando K, Eder M, Slattery K, Ajchenbaum-Cymbalista F, Griffin JD. Signal transduction of steel factor and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor: differential regulation of transcription factor and G1 cyclin gene expression, and of proliferation in the human factor-dependent cell line MO7. Leukemia. 1994 May;8(5):740-8.
- Adler S, Lang S, Langenmayer I, Eibl-Eibesfeldt B, Rump W, Emmerich B, Hallek M. Chronotherapy with 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid in advanced colorectal carcinoma. Results of a chronopharmacologic phase I trial. Cancer. 1994 Jun 15;73(12):2905-12.
- Lévi F, Tampellini M, Metzger G, Bizi E, Lemaigre G, Hallek M. Circadian changes in mitoxantrone toxicity in mice: relationship with plasma pharmacokinetics. Int J Cancer. 1994 Nov 15;59(4):543-7.
- Hallek M, Szinicz L. Methantheline improves the reactivation by HI 6 of human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase inhibited by soman in vitro. Arch Toxicol. 1995;70(1):16-9.
- Salgia R, Li JL, Lo SH, Brunkhorst B, Kansas GS, Sobhany ES, Sun Y, Pisick E, Hallek M, Ernst T, Tantravahi R, Chen LB, Griffin JD. Molecular cloning of human paxillin, a focal adhesion protein phosphorylated by P210BCR/ABL. J Biol Chem. 1995 Mar 10;270(10):5039-47.
- Wendtner CM, Schmitt B, Gruss HJ, Druker BJ, Emmerich B, Goodwin RG, Hallek M. CD30 ligand signal transduction involves activation of a tyrosine kinase and of mitogen-activated protein kinase in a Hodgkin’s lymphoma cell line. Cancer Res. 1995 Sep 15;55(18):4157-61.
- Pignata C, Prasad KV, Hallek M, Druker B, Rudd CE, Robertson MJ, Ritz J. Phosphorylation of src family lck tyrosine kinase following interleukin-12 activation of human natural killer cells. Cell Immunol. 1995 Oct 15;165(2):211-6.
- Chiorini JA, Wendtner CM, Urcelay E, Safer B, Hallek M, Kotin RM. High-efficiency transfer of the T cell co-stimulatory molecule B7-2 to lymphoid cells using high-titer recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors. Hum Gene Ther. 1995 Dec;6(12):1531-41.
- Neumann C, Zehentmaier G, Danhauser-Riedl S, Emmerich B, Hallek M. Interleukin-6 induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the Ras activating protein Shc, and its complex formation with Grb2 in the human multiple myeloma cell line LP-1. Eur J Immunol. 1996 Feb;26(2):379-84.
- Hallek M, Wendtner CM. Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors for somatic gene therapy: recent advances and potential clinical applications. Cytokines Mol Ther. 1996 Jun;2(2):69-79.
- Hallek M, Danhauser-Riedl S, Herbst R, Warmuth M, Winkler A, Kolb HJ, Druker B, Griffin JD, Emmerich B, Ullrich A. Interaction of the receptor tyrosine kinase p145c-kit with the p210bcr/abl kinase in myeloid cells. Br J Haematol. 1996 Jul;94(1):5-16.
- Hallek M, Wanders L, Ostwald M, Busch R, Senekowitsch R, Stern S, Schick HD, Kuhn-Hallek I, Emmerich B. Serum beta(2)-microglobulin and serum thymidine kinase are independent predictors of progression-free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and immunocytoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 1996 Aug;22(5-6):439-47.
- Langenmayer I, Nerl C, Knauf W, Dempster S, Hallek M, Adorf D, Dietzfelbinger H, Busch R, Ziegler-Heitbrock HW, Thiel E, Emmerich B. Interferon-alpha 2b (IFN alpha) for early-phase chronic lymphocytic leukaemia with high risk for disease progression: results of a randomized multicentre study. Br J Haematol. 1996 Aug;94(2):362-9.
- Danhauser-Riedl S, Warmuth M, Druker BJ, Emmerich B, Hallek M. Activation of Src kinases p53/56lyn and p59hck by p210bcr/abl in myeloid cells. Cancer Res. 1996 Aug 1;56(15):3589-96.
- Montserrat E, Hallek M. Current strategies for the treatment of CLL. Leuk Lymphoma. 1996 Oct;22(Suppl 2):65-8.
- Kamp T, Liebl B, Haen E, Emmerich B, Hallek M. Defects of beta 2-adrenergic signal transduction in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: relationship to disease progression. Eur J Clin Invest. 1997 Feb;27(2):121-7.
- Hallek M, Kuhn-Hallek I, Emmerich B. Prognostic factors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia. 1997 Apr;11 Suppl 2:S4-13.
- Knauf WU, Ehlers B, Mohr B, Thiel E, Langenmayer I, Hallek M, Emmerich B, Adorf D, Nerl C, Zwingers T. Prognostic impact of the serum levels of soluble CD23 in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 1997 Jun 1;89(11):4241-2.
- Wendtner CM, Nolte A, Mangold E, Buhmann R, Maass G, Chiorini JA, Winnacker EL, Emmerich B, Kotin RM, Hallek M. Gene transfer of the costimulatory molecules B7-1 and B7-2 into human multiple myeloma cells by recombinant adeno-associated virus enhances the cytolytic T cell response. Gene Ther. 1997 Jul;4(7):726-35.
- Doenecke A, Winnacker EL, Hallek M. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) improves the PCR-based isolation of immunoglobulin variable region genes from murine and human lymphoma cells and cell lines. Leukemia. 1997 Oct;11(10):1787-92.
- Knauf WU, Langenmayer I, Ehlers B, Mohr B, Adorf D, Nerl CH, Hallek M, Zwingers TH, Emmerich B, Thiel E. Serum levels of soluble CD23, but not soluble CD25, predict disease progression in early stage B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma. 1997 Nov;27(5-6):523-32.
- Hallek M, Touitou Y, Lévi F, Mechkouri M, Bogdan A, Bailleul F, Senekowitsch R, Emmerich B. Serum thymidine kinase levels are elevated and exhibit diurnal variations in patients with advanced ovarian cancer. Clin Chim Acta. 1997 Nov 28;267(2):155-66.
- Hallek M, Neumann C, Schäffer M, Danhauser-Riedl S, von Bubnoff N, de Vos G, Druker BJ, Yasukawa K, Griffin JD, Emmerich B. Signal transduction of interleukin-6 involves tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple cytosolic proteins and activation of Src-family kinases Fyn, Hck, and Lyn in multiple myeloma cell lines. Exp Hematol. 1997 Dec;25(13):1367-77.
- Warmuth M, Bergmann M, Priess A, Häuslmann K, Emmerich B, Hallek M. The Src family kinase Hck interacts with Bcr-Abl by a kinase-independent mechanism and phosphorylates the Grb2-binding site of Bcr. J Biol Chem. 1997 Dec 26;272(52):33260-70.
- Hallek M, Bergsagel PL, Anderson KC. Multiple myeloma: increasing evidence for a multistep transformation process. Blood. 1998 Jan 1;91(1):3-21.
- Nolte A, Buhmann R, Straka C, Emmerich B, Hallek M. Assessment and characterization of the cytolytic T lymphocyte response against Epstein-Barr virus in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1998 May;21(9):909-16.
- Maass G, Bogedain C, Scheer U, Michl D, Hörer M, Braun-Falco M, Volkenandt M, Schadendorf D, Wendtner CM, Winnacker EL, Kotin RM, Hallek M. Recombinant adeno-associated virus for the generation of autologous, gene-modified tumor vaccines: evidence for a high transduction efficiency into primary epithelial cancer cells. Hum Gene Ther. 1998 May 1;9(7):1049-59.
- Braun-Falco M, Hallek M. Hautgentherapie – perspektiven des gentransfers in keratinozyten. Hautarzt. 1998 Jul;49(7):536-44.
- Hallek M, Girod A, Braun-Falco M, Wendtner CM, Bogedain C, Hörer M. Recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors. IDrugs. 1998 Sep;1(5):561-73.
- Hallek M, Emmerich B, Nowrousian MR. Individual risk assessment for patients with haematological malignancies: a basis for optimized treatment strategies. Stuttgart, Germany: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1999.
- Hallek M, Kuhn-Hallek J, Emmerich B. Prognostic factors in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. In Hallek M, Emmerich B, Nowrousian MR. Individual risk assessment for patients with haematological malignancies: a basis for optimized treatment strategies. Stuttgart, Germany: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1999.
- Meinhardt G, Wendtner CM, Hallek M. Molecular pathogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: factors and signaling pathways regulating cell growth and survival. J Mol Med (Berl). 1999 Feb;77(2):282-93.
- Warmuth M, Danhauser-Riedl S, Hallek M. Molecular pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia: implications for new therapeutic strategies. Ann Hematol. 1999 Feb;78(2):49-64.
- Braun-Falco M, Doenecke A, Smola H, Hallek M. Efficient gene transfer into human keratinocytes with recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors. Gene Ther. 1999 Mar;6(3):432-41.
- Wendtner CM, Buhmann R, Kolb HJ, Emmerich B, Hallek M. Rezidivierender schwindel und synkopen bei einer patientin mit eosinophilie. Internist (Berl). 1999 Mar;40(3):305-10.
- Hallek M, Langenmayer I, Nerl C, Knauf W, Dietzfelbinger H, Adorf D, Ostwald M, Busch R, Kuhn-Hallek I, Thiel E, Emmerich B. Elevated serum thymidine kinase levels identify a subgroup at high risk of disease progression in early, nonsmoldering chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 1999 Mar 1;93(5):1732-7.
- Krämer A, Hörner S, Willer A, Fruehauf S, Hochhaus A, Hallek M, Hehlmann R. Adhesion to fibronectin stimulates proliferation of wild-type and bcr/abl-transfected murine hematopoietic cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Mar 2;96(5):2087-92.
- Buhmann R, Nolte A, Westhaus D, Emmerich B, Hallek M. CD40-activated B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells for tumor immunotherapy: stimulation of allogeneic versus autologous T cells generates different types of effector cells. Blood. 1999 Mar 15;93(6):1992-2002.
- Selmayr M, Strehl J, Kremer JP, Kremmer E, Doenecke A, Hallek M, Menzel H, Thielemans K, Thierfelder S, Mocikat R. Induction of tumor immunity by autologous B lymphoma cells expressing a genetically engineered idiotype. Gene Ther. 1999 May;6(5):778-84.
- Wendtner CM, Schmitt B, Wilhelm M, Dreger P, Montserrat E, Emmerich B, Hallek M. Redefining the therapeutic goals in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: towards an evidence-based, risk-adapted therapy. Ann Oncol. 1999 May;10(5):505-9.
- Schmitter D, Bolliger U, Hallek M, Pichert G. Involvement of the CD27-CD70 co-stimulatory pathway in allogeneic T-cell response to follicular lymphoma cells. Br J Haematol. 1999 Jul;106(1):64-70.
- Girod A, Ried M, Wobus C, Lahm H, Leike K, Kleinschmidt J, Deléage G, Hallek M. Genetic capsid modifications allow efficient re-targeting of adeno-associated virus type 2. Nat Med. 1999 Sep;5(9):1052-6.
- Sezer O, Schmid P, Hallek M, Schweigert M, Beinert T, Langelotz C, Mergenthaler HG, Possinger K. Eosinophilia during fludarabine treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Ann Hematol. 1999 Oct;78(10):475-7.
- Girod A, Ried M, Wobus C, Lahm H, Leike K, Kleinschmidt J, Deléage G, Hallek M. Errata. Genetic capsid modifications allow efficient re-targeting of adeno-associated virus type 2. Nat Med. 1999 Dec;5(12):1438.
- Nolte A, Buhmann R, Emmerich B, Schendel D, Hallek M. Reconstitution of the cellular immune response after autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Br J Haematol. 2000 Feb;108(2):415-23.
- von Bubnoff N, Adler S, Danhauser-Riedl S, Kamp T, Nerl C, Emmerich B, Hallek M. The activation of intracellular tyrosine kinases by interferon-alpha (IFNα) correlates with its antiproliferative activity in B-lymphoid cell lines, but not in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients. Ann Hematol. 2000 Mar;79(3):119-26.
- Oetzel C, Jonuleit T, Götz A, van der Kuip H, Michels H, Duyster J, Hallek M, Aulitzky WE. The tyrosine kinase inhibitor CGP 57148 (ST1 571) induces apoptosis in BCR-ABL-positive cells by down-regulating BCL-X. Clin Cancer Res. 2000 May;6(5):1958-68.
- Feuring-Buske M, Kneba M, Unterhalt M, Engert A, Gramatzki M, Hiller E, Trümper L, Brugger W, Ostermann H, Atzpodien J, Hallek M, Aulitzky E, Hiddemann W. IDEC-C2B8 (Rituximab) anti-CD20 antibody treatment in relapsed advanced-stage follicular lymphomas: results of a phase-II study of the German Low-Grade Lymphoma Study Group. Ann Hematol. 2000 Sep;79(9):493-500.
- Jonuleit T, van der Kuip H, Miething C, Michels H, Hallek M, Duyster J, Aulitzky WE. Bcr-Abl kinase down-regulates cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 in human and murine cell lines. Blood. 2000 Sep 1;96(5):1933-9.
- Wobus CE, Hügle-Dörr B, Girod A, Petersen G, Hallek M, Kleinschmidt JA. Monoclonal antibodies against the adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) capsid: epitope mapping and identification of capsid domains involved in AAV-2-cell interaction and neutralization of AAV-2 infection. J Virol. 2000 Oct;74(19):9281-93.
- Wendtner CM, Schmitt B, Bergmann M, Röhnisch T, Buhmann R, Hallek M. New aspects on the pathogenesis, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Int J Hematol. 2001 Jan;73(1):32-8.
- Braun-Falco M, Hallek M. Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector-mediated cotransduction of CD70 and CD80 into human malignant melanoma cells results in an additive T-cell response. Arch Dermatol Res. 2001 Feb;293(1-2):12-7.
- Hacker UT, Gerner FM, Büning H, Hutter M, Reichenspurner H, Stangl M, Hallek M. Standard heparin, low molecular weight heparin, low molecular weight heparinoid, and recombinant hirudin differ in their ability to inhibit transduction by recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 vectors. Gene Ther. 2001 Jun;8(12):966-8.
- Hallek M, Schmitt B, Emmerich B, Stein H. Chronische lymphatische Leukämie – Teil 1: Diagnostik. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2001 Jun 8;126(23):687-9.
- Hallek M, Schmitt B, Emmerich B, Stein H. Chronische lymphatische Leukämie – Teil 2: Therapie. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2001 Jun 8;126(23):690-5.
- Schmitt B, Hallek M. Chronische lymphatische Leukämie – Teil 3: Der konkrete fall. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2001 Jun 8;126(23):695.
- Hallek M, Schmitt B, Wilhelm M, Busch R, Kröber A, Fostitsch HP, Sezer O, Herold M, Knauf W, Wendtner CM, Kuse R, Freund M, Franke A, Schriever F, Nerl C, Döhner H, Thiel E, Hiddemann W, Brittinger G, Emmerich B; German Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia Study Group. Fludarabine plus cyclophosphamide is an efficient treatment for advanced chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL): results of a phase II study of the German CLL Study Group. Br J Haematol. 2001 Aug;114(2):342-8.
- Nicklin SA, Buening H, Dishart KL, de Alwis M, Girod A, Hacker U, Thrasher AJ, Ali RR, Hallek M, Baker AH. Efficient and selective AAV2-mediated gene transfer directed to human vascular endothelial cells. Mol Ther. 2001 Sep;4(3):174-81.
- Huhn D, von Schilling C, Wilhelm M, Ho AD, Hallek M, Kuse R, Knauf W, Riedel U, Hinke A, Srock S, Serke S, Peschel C, Emmerich B; German Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Study Group. Rituximab therapy of patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 2001 Sep 1;98(5):1326-31.
- Kunzmann V, Ruediger T, Hallek M, Mueller-Hermelink HK, Wilhelm M. Tumor cell agglutination and not solely cytokine release as mechanism of adverse reactions during anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (IDEC-C2B8, rituximab) treatment. Blood. 2001 Sep 15;98(6):1991-2.
- Hallek M, Buening H, Ried M, Hacker U, Kurzeder C, Wendtner CM. Grundlagen der gentherapie prinzipien und stand der entwicklung. Internist (Berl). 2001 Oct;42(10):1306-8, 1311-3.
- Seisenberger G, Ried MU, Endress T, Büning H, Hallek M, Bräuchle C. Real-time single-molecule imaging of the infection pathway of an adeno-associated virus. Science. 2001 Nov 30;294(5548):1929-32.
- Schaeffer M, Schneiderbauer M, Weidler S, Tavares R, Warmuth M, de Vos G, Hallek M. Signaling through a novel domain of gp130 mediates cell proliferation and activation of Hck and Erk kinases. Mol Cell Biol. 2001 Dec;21(23):8068-81.
- Hallek M, Bergmann M, Wendtner CM, Fingerle-Rowson G, Schmitt B. Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: the con’s. Ann Hematol. 2002;81 Suppl 2:S48-50.
- Keating M, Hallek M. Guest editorial. Alemtuzumab, the first monoclonal antibody (MAb) directed against CD52. Med Oncol. 2002;19 Suppl:S1-2.
- Rai K, Hallek M. Future prospects for alemtuzumab (MabCampath). Med Oncol. 2002;19 Suppl:S57-63.
- Hallek M. Fludarabin als primäres therapeutikum bei chronischer lymphatischer leukämie. Internist (Berl). 2002 Apr;43(4):563-4, 565-6.
- Hallek M. Welche Auswirkungen hat das Vorkommen von Prolymphozyten auf die Prognose und die Therapie der CLL? Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2002 Mar 1;127(9):464.
- Bräuchle C, Seisenberger G, Endress T, Ried MU, Büning H, Hallek M. Single virus tracing: visualization of the infection pathway of a virus into a living cell. Chemphyschem. 2002 Mar 12;3(3):299-303.
- Girod A, Wobus CE, Zádori Z, Ried M, Leike K, Tijssen P, Kleinschmidt JA, Hallek M. The VP1 capsid protein of adeno-associated virus type 2 is carrying a phospholipase A2 domain required for virus infectivity. J Gen Virol. 2002 May;83(Pt 5):973-8.
- Ried MU, Girod A, Leike K, Büning H, Hallek M. Adeno-associated virus capsids displaying immunoglobulin-binding domains permit antibody-mediated vector retargeting to specific cell surface receptors. J Virol. 2002 May;76(9):4559-66.
- Schmitt B, Wendtner CM, Bergmann M, Busch R, Franke A, Pasold R, Schlag R, Hopfinger G, Hiddemann W, Emmerich B, Hallek M. Fludarabine combination therapy for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Clin Lymphoma. 2002 Jun;3(1):26-35.
- Nagy ZA, Hubner B, Löhning C, Rauchenberger R, Reiffert S, Thomassen-Wolf E, Zahn S, Leyer S, Schier EM, Zahradnik A, Brunner C, Lobenwein K, Rattel B, Stanglmaier M, Hallek M, Wing M, Anderson S, Dunn M, Kretzschmar T, Tesar M. Fully human, HLA-DR-specific monoclonal antibodies efficiently induce programmed death of malignant lymphoid cells. Nat Med. 2002 Aug;8(8):801-7. Epub 2002 Jul 8.
- Buhmann R, Kurzeder C, Rehklau J, Westhaus D, Bursch S, Hiddemann W, Haferlach T, Hallek M, Schoch C. CD40L stimulation enhances the ability of conventional metaphase cytogenetics to detect chromosome aberrations in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells. Br J Haematol. 2002 Sep;118(4):968-75.
- Wendtner CM, Kofler DM, Theiss HD, Kurzeder C, Buhmann R, Schweighofer C, Perabo L, Danhauser-Riedl S, Baumert J, Hiddemann W, Hallek M, Büning H. Efficient gene transfer of CD40 ligand into primary B-CLL cells using recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors. Blood. 2002 Sep 1;100(5):1655-61.
- Hallek M, Bergmann M, Brittinger G, Döhner H, Dreger P, Herold M, Hopfinger G, Jäger U, Knauf W, Nerl C, Rummel M, Schmitt B, Wendtner CM, Emmerich B. Chronische lymphatische leukämie aktuelle therapiekonzepte. Internist (Berl). 2002 Oct;43(10):1245-54.
- Schulz H, Klein SK, Rehwald U, Reiser M, Hinke A, Knauf WU, Aulitzky WE, Hensel M, Herold M, Huhn D, Hallek M, Diehl V, Engert A; German CLL Study Group. Phase 2 study of a combined immunochemotherapy using rituximab and fludarabine in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 2002 Nov 1;100(9):3115-20.
- Schuster C, Forster K, Dierks H, Elsasser A, Behre G, Simon N, Danhauser-Riedl S, Hallek M, Warmuth M. The effects of Bcr-Abl on C/EBP transcription-factor regulation and neutrophilic differentiation are reversed by the Abl kinase inhibitor imatinib mesylate. Blood. 2003 Jan 15;101(2):655-63. Epub 2002 Sep 12.
- Warmuth M, Simon N, Mitina O, Mathes R, Fabbro D, Manley PW, Buchdunger E, Forster K, Moarefi I, Hallek M. Dual-specific Src and Abl kinase inhibitors, PP1 and CGP76030, inhibit growth and survival of cells expressing imatinib mesylate-resistant Bcr-Abl kinases. Blood. 2003 Jan 15;101(2):664-72. Epub 2002 Sep 5.
- Huttner NA, Girod A, Schnittger S, Schoch C, Hallek M, Büning H. Analysis of site-specific transgene integration following cotransduction with recombinant adeno-associated virus and a rep encodingplasmid. J Gene Med. 2003 Feb;5(2):120-9.
- Stanglmaier M, Warmuth M, Kleinlein I, Reis S, Hallek M. The interaction of the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase with the Src kinase Hck is mediated by multiple binding domains. Leukemia. 2003 Feb;17(2):283-9.
- Wendtner CM, Kurzeder C, Theiss HD, Kofler DM, Baumert J, Delecluse HJ, Janz A, Hammerschmidt W, Hallek M. High level of transgene expression in primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells using helper-virus-free recombinant Epstein-Barr virus vectors. Exp Hematol. 2003 Feb;31(2):99-108.
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- Hu Y, Liu Y, Pelletier S, Buchdunger E, Warmuth M, Fabbro D, Hallek M, Van Etten RA, Li S. Requirement of Src kinases Lyn, Hck and Fgr for BCR-ABL1-induced B-lymphoblastic leukemia but not chronic myeloid leukemia. Nat Genet. 2004 May;36(5):453-61. Epub 2004 Apr 18.
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- Koppold B, Sauer G, Büning H, Hallek M, Kreienberg R, Deissler H, Kurzeder C. Efficient gene transfer of CD40 ligand into ovarian carcinoma cells with a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector. Int J Oncol. 2005 Jan;26(1):95-101.
- Mayr C, Bund D, Schlee M, Moosmann A, Kofler DM, Hallek M, Wendtner CM. Fibromodulin as a novel tumor-associated antigen (TAA) in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), which allows expansion of specific CD8+ autologous T lymphocytes. Blood. 2005 Feb 15;105(4):1566-73. Epub 2004 Oct 7.
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- Lux K, Goerlitz N, Schlemminger S, Perabo L, Goldnau D, Endell J, Leike K, Kofler DM, Finke S, Hallek M, Büning H. Green fluorescent protein-tagged adeno-associated virus particles allow the study of cytosolic and nuclear trafficking. J Virol. 2005 Sep;79(18):11776-87.
- Beyer M, Kochanek M, Darabi K, Popov A, Jensen M, Endl E, Knolle PA, Thomas RK, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Debey S, Hallek M, Schultze JL. Reduced frequencies and suppressive function of CD4+CD25hi regulatory T cells in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia after therapy with fludarabine. Blood. 2005 Sep 15;106(6):2018-25. Epub 2005 May 24.
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- Elter T, Borchmann P, Schulz H, Reiser M, Trelle S, Schnell R, Jensen M, Staib P, Schinköthe T, Stützer H, Rech J, Gramatzki M, Aulitzky W, Hasan I, Josting A, Hallek M, Engert A. Fludarabine in combination with alemtuzumab is effective and feasible in patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of a phase II trial. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Oct 1;23(28):7024-31. Epub 2005 Sep 6.
- Hacker UT, Wingenfeld L, Kofler DM, Schuhmann NK, Lutz S, Herold T, King SB, Gerner FM, Perabo L, Rabinowitz J, McCarty DM, Samulski RJ, Hallek M, Büning H. Adeno-associated virus serotypes 1 to 5 mediated tumor cell directed gene transfer and improvement of transduction efficiency. J Gene Med. 2005 Nov;7(11):1429-38.
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- Lehnhardt FG, Scheid C, Holtik U, Burghaus L, Neveling M, Impekoven P, Rüger A, Hallek M, Jacobs AH, Rubbert A. Autologous blood stem cell transplantation in refractory systemic lupus erythematodes with recurrent longitudinal myelitis and cerebral infarction. Lupus. 2006;15(4):240-3.
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- Mayr C, Bund D, Schlee M, Bamberger M, Kofler DM, Hallek M, Wendtner CM. MDM2 is recognized as a tumor-associated antigen in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by CD8+ autologous T lymphocytes. Exp Hematol. 2006 Jan;34(1):44-53.
- Mayr C, Speicher MR, Kofler DM, Buhmann R, Strehl J, Busch R, Hallek M, Wendtner CM. Chromosomal translocations are associated with poor prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 2006 Jan 15;107(2):742-51. Epub 2005 Sep 22.
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- Binet JL, Caligaris-Cappio F, Catovsky D, Cheson B, Davis T, Dighiero G, Döhner H, Hallek M, Hillmen P, Keating M, Montserrat E, Kipps TJ, Rai K. Perspectives on the use of new diagnostic tools in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 2006 Feb 1;107(3):859-61. Epub 2005 Oct 13.
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- von Strandmann EP, Hansen HP, Reiners KS, Schnell R, Borchmann P, Merkert S, Simhadri VR, Draube A, Reiser M, Purr I, Hallek M, Engert A. A novel bispecific protein (ULBP2-BB4) targeting the NKG2D receptor on natural killer (NK) cells and CD138 activates NK cells and has potent antitumor activity against human multiple myeloma in vitro and in vivo. Blood. 2006 Mar 1;107(5):1955-62. Epub 2005 Oct 6.
- Work LM, Büning H, Hunt E, Nicklin SA, Denby L, Britton N, Leike K, Odenthal M, Drebber U, Hallek M, Baker AH. Vascular bed-targeted in vivo gene delivery using tropism-modified adeno-associated viruses. Mol Ther. 2006 Apr;13(4):683-93. Epub 2006 Jan 4.
- Hacker UT, Schildhauer I, Barroso MC, Kofler DM, Gerner FM, Mysliwietz J, Buening H, Hallek M, King SB. Gene transfer preferentially selects MHC class I positive tumour cells and enhances tumour immunogenicity. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2006 May;55(5):547-57. Epub 2005 Jul 26.
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- Perabo L, Goldnau D, White K, Endell J, Boucas J, Humme S, Work LM, Janicki H, Hallek M, Baker AH, Büning H. Heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding properties of adeno-associated virus retargeting mutants and consequences for their in vivo tropism. J Virol. 2006 Jul;80(14):7265-9.
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- Owczarczyk K, Hilker R, Brunn A, Hallek M, Rubbert A. Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy in a patient with sarcoidosis–successful treatment with cidofovir and mirtazapine. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2007 May;46(5):888-90. Epub 2007 Mar 27.
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- Schulz H, Bohlius JF, Trelle S, Skoetz N, Reiser M, Kober T, Schwarzer G, Herold M, Dreyling M, Hallek M, Engert A. Immunochemotherapy with rituximab and overall survival in patients with indolent or mantle cell lymphoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2007 May 2;99(9):706-14.
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- Hausherr A, Tavares R, Schäffer M, Obermeier A, Miksch C, Mitina O, Ellwart J, Hallek M, Krause G. Inhibition of IL-6-dependent growth of myeloma cells by an acidic peptide repressing the gp130-mediated activation of Src family kinases. Oncogene. 2007 Jul 26;26(34):4987-98. Epub 2007 Feb 19.
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- Jung N, Lehmann C, Hellmann M, Seifert H, Valter MM, Hallek M, Fätkenheuer G, Kochanek M. Necrotizing pneumonia caused by Panton-Valentine leucocidin-producing Staphylococcus aureus originating from a Bartholin’s abscess. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2008;2008:491401.
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- Schnell R, Dietlein M, Schomäcker K, Kobe C, Borchmann P, Schicha H, Hallek M, Engert A. Yttrium-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan-induced complete remission in a patient with classical lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Onkologie. 2008 Feb;31(1-2):49-51. Epub 2008 Jan 22.
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- Hallek M, Cheson BD, Catovsky D, Caligaris-Cappio F, Dighiero G, Döhner H, Hillmen P, Keating MJ, Montserrat E, Rai KR, Kipps TJ. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a report from the International Workshop on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia updating the National Cancer Institute-Working Group 1996 guidelines. Blood. 2008 Jun 15;111(12):5446-56. Epub 2008 Jan 23.
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- Veldurthy A, Patz M, Hagist S, Pallasch CP, Wendtner CM, Hallek M, Krause G. The kinase inhibitor dasatinib induces apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in vitro with preference for a subgroup of patients with unmutated IgVH genes. Blood. 2008 Aug 15;112(4):1443-52. Epub 2008 Jun 12.
- Kronenberger K, Nössner E, Frankenberger B, Wahl U, Dreyling M, Hallek M, Mocikat R. A polyvalent cellular vaccine induces T-cell responses against specific self-antigens overexpressed in chronic lymphocytic B-cell leukemia. J Immunother. 2008 Oct;31(8):723-30.
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- Krings Rocha C, Wendtner CM, Hallek M, Kreuzer KA. Conventional cytogenetics in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Leuk Res. 2011 Mar;35(3):e25. Epub 2010 Nov 11.
- Goede V, Hallek M. Optimal pharmacotherapeutic management of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: considerations in the elderly. Drugs Aging. 2011 Mar 1;28(3):163-76.
- Rocha CK, Praulich I, Gehrke I, Hallek M, Kreuzer KA. A rare case of t(11;22) in a mantle cell lymphoma like B-cell neoplasia resulting in a fusion of IGL and CCND1: case report. Mol Cytogenet. 2011 Apr 1;4(1):8.
- Tichelli A, Schrezenmeier H, Socié G, Marsh J, Bacigalupo A, Dührsen U, Franzke A, Hallek M, Thiel E, Wilhelm M, Höchsmann B, Barrois A, Champion K, Passweg JR. A randomized controlled study in patients with newly diagnosed severe aplastic anemia receiving antithymocyte globulin (ATG), cyclosporine, with or without G-CSF: a study of the SAA Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Blood. 2011 Apr 28;117(17):4434-41. Epub 2011 Jan 13.
- Elter T, Hallek M, Montillo M. Alemtuzumab: what is the secret to safe therapy? Clin Adv Hematol Oncol. 2011 May;9(5):364-73.
- Rüping MJ, Müller C, Vehreschild JJ, Böhme A, Mousset S, Harnischmacher U, Frommolt P, Wassmer G, Drzisga I, Hallek M, Cornely OA. Voriconazole serum concentrations in prophylactically treated acute myelogenous leukaemia patients. Mycoses. 2011 May;54(3):230-3.
- Tuve S, Gayoso J, Scheid C, Radke J, Kiani A, Serrano D, Platzbecker U, Rodríguez-Macías G, Wermke M, Holtick U, Balsalobre P, Middeke JM, Shayegi N, Chemnitz JM, Krause A, Gruner N, Füssel M, Schetelig J, Thiede C, Ehninger G, Hallek M, Díez-Martín JL, Bornhäuser M. Haploidentical bone marrow transplantation with post-grafting cyclophosphamide: multicenter experience with an alternative salvage strategy. Leukemia. 2011 May;25(5):880-3. Epub 2011 Feb 11.
- Zander T, Hallek M. Thyrosinkinaseinhibitoren in der Onkologie. Internist (Berl). 2011 May;52(5):595-600.
- Zander T, Scheffler M, Nogova L, Kobe C, Engel-Riedel W, Hellmich M, Papachristou I, Toepelt K, Draube A, Heukamp L, Buettner R, Ko YD, Ullrich RT, Smit E, Boellaard R, Lammertsma AA, Hallek M, Jacobs AH, Schlesinger A, Schulte K, Querings S, Stoelben E, Neumaier B, Thomas RK, Dietlein M, Wolf J. Early prediction of nonprogression in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer treated with erlotinib by using [(18)F]fluorodeoxyglucose and [(18)F]fluorothymidine positron emission tomography. J Clin Oncol. 2011 May 1;29(13):1701-8. Epub 2011 Mar 21.
- Gaertner J, Wolf J, Hallek M, Glossmann JP, Voltz R. Standardizing integration of palliative care into comprehensive cancer therapy–a disease specific approach. Support Care Cancer. 2011 Jul;19(7):1037-43. Epub 2011 Mar 24.
- Lilienthal N, Prinz C, Peer-Zada AA, Doering M, Ba LA, Hallek M, Jacob C, Herling M. Targeting the disturbed redox equilibrium in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by novel reactive oxygen species-catalytic ‘sensor/effector’ compounds. Leuk Lymphoma. 2011 Jul;52(7):1407-11. Epub 2011 Mar 29.
- Zander T, Hallek M. Erratum zu: Thyrosinkinaseinhibitoren in der Onkologie. Internist (Berl). 2011 Jul 10.
- Eichhorst B, Dreyling M, Robak T, Montserrat E, Hallek M. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol. 2011 Sep;22(Suppl 6):vi50-4.
- Fischer K, Cramer P, Busch R, Stilgenbauer S, Bahlo J, Schweighofer CD, Böttcher S, Staib P, Kiehl M, Eckart MJ, Kranz G, Goede V, Elter T, Bühler A, Winkler D, Kneba M, Döhner H, Eichhorst BF, Hallek M, Wendtner CM. Bendamustine combined with rituximab in patients with relapsed and/or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a multicenter phase II trial of the German Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Study Group. J Clin Oncol. 2011 Sep 10;29(26):3559-66. Epub 2011 Aug 15.
- Gehrke I, Razavi R, Poll-Wolbeck SJ, Berkessel A, Hallek M, Kreuzer KA. The Antineoplastic Effect of Nitric Oxide-Donating Acetylsalicylic Acid (NO-ASA) in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Cells is Highly Dependent on its Positional Isomerism. Ther Adv Hematol. 2011 Oct;2(5):279-89.
- Uhrmacher S, Schmidt C, Erdfelder F, Poll-Wolbeck SJ, Gehrke I, Hallek M, Kreuzer KA. Use of the receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 1 (ROR1) as a diagnostic tool in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Leuk Res. 2011 Oct;35(10):1360-6. Epub 2011 Apr 30.
- Cornely OA, Vehreschild JJ, Vehreschild MJ, Würthwein G, Arenz D, Schwartz S, Heussel CP, Silling G, Mahne M, Franklin J, Harnischmacher U, Wilkens A, Farowski F, Karthaus M, Lehrnbecher T, Ullmann AJ, Hallek M, Groll AH. Phase II dose escalation study of caspofungin for invasive Aspergillosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Dec;55(12):5798-803. 2011 Sep 12.
- Elter T, Gercheva-Kyuchukova L, Pylylpenko H, Robak T, Jaksic B, Rekhtman G, Kyrcz-Krzemień S, Vatutin M, Wu J, Sirard C, Hallek M, Engert A. Fludarabine plus alemtuzumab versus fludarabine alone in patients with previously treated chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol. 2011 Dec;12(13):1204-13. Epub 2011 Oct 10.
- Krause G, Kuckertz M, Kerwien S, Patz M, Hallek M. In vitro sensitivity testing in the assessment of anti-CLL drug candidates. In Oppezzo P, Ed. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. London, UK: IntechOpen; 2012:323-338. https://doi.org/10.5772/27087
- Koehler P, Schmidt P, Hombach AA, Hallek M, Abken H. Engineered T cells for the adoptive therapy of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Adv Hematol. 2012;2012:595060. Epub 2011 Aug 8. https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/595060
- Marmé D, Hallek M. Personalized cancer medicine. Onkologie. 2012;35(Suppl 1):2. Epub 2012 Jan 20. https://doi.org/10.1159/000335980
- Kuckertz M, Patz M, Veldurthy A, Gehrke I, Claasen J, Frenzel LP, Wendtner CM, Hallek M, Krause G. Comparison of the effects of two kinase inhibitors, sorafenib and dasatinib, on chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. Onkologie. 2012;35(7-8):420-6. Epub 2012 Jul 6.
- Hallek M. Professor Hans-Joachim Schmoll – 10 years editor-in-chief of Onkologie. Onkologie. 2012;35(12):728. Epub 2012 Nov 21.
- Chemnitz JM, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Holtick U, Theurich S, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Krause A, Brossart P, Hallek M, Scheid C. Intermediate intensity conditioning regimen containing FLAMSA, treosulfan, cyclophosphamide, and ATG for allogeneic stem cell transplantation in elderly patients with relapsed or high-risk acute myeloid leukemia. Ann Hematol. 2012 Jan;91(1):47-55. Epub 2011 May 17.
- Cramer P, Hallek M. Hematological cancer in 2011: New therapeutic targets and treatment strategies. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2012 Jan 10;9(2):72-4.
- Hösel M, Broxtermann M, Janicki H, Esser K, Arzberger S, Hartmann P, Gillen S, Kleeff J, Stabenow D, Odenthal M, Knolle P, Hallek M, Protzer U, Büning H. Toll-like receptor 2-mediated innate immune response in human nonparenchymal liver cells toward adeno-associated viral vectors. Hepatology. 2012 Jan;55(1):287-97.
- Skoetz N, Bauer K, Elter T, Monsef I, Roloff V, Hallek M, Engert A. Alemtuzumab for patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Feb 15;(2):CD008078.
- Uhrig S, Coutelle O, Wiehe T, Perabo L, Hallek M, Büning H. Successful target cell transduction of capsid-engineered rAAV vectors requires clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Gene Ther. 2012 Feb;19(2):210-8. Epub 2011 Jun 9.
- Vehreschild JJ, Moritz G, Vehreschild MJ, Arenz D, Mahne M, Bredenfeld H, Chemnitz J, Klein F, Cremer B, Böll B, Kaul I, Wassmer G, Hallek M, Scheid C, Cornely OA. Efficacy and safety of moxifloxacin as antibacterial prophylaxis for patients receiving autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a randomised trial. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2012 Feb;39(2):130-4. Epub 2011 Dec 12.
- Gaertner J, Wolf J, Frechen S, Klein U, Scheicht D, Hellmich M, Toepelt K, Glossmann JP, Ostgathe C, Hallek M, Voltz R. Recommending early integration of palliative care – does it work? Support Care Cancer. 2012 Mar;20(3):507-13. Epub 2011 Feb 19.
- Krause G, Patz M, Isaeva P, Wigger M, Baki I, Vondey V, Kerwien S, Kuckertz M, Brinker R, Claasen J, Frenzel LP, Wendtner CM, Heider KH, Hallek M. Action of novel CD37 antibodies on chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. Leukemia. 2012 Mar;26(3):546-9. Epub 2011 Sep 2.
- Manns MP, Schellong SM, Hallek M. Sonographie in der Inneren Medizin. Internist (Berl). 2012 Mar;53(3):249-50.
- Wendtner CM, Hillmen P, Mahadevan D, Bühler A, Uharek L, Coutré S, Frankfurt O, Bloor A, Bosch F, Furman RR, Kimby E, Gribben JG, Gobbi M, Dreisbach L, Hurd DD, Sekeres MA, Ferrajoli A, Shah S, Zhang J, Moutouh-de Parseval L, Hallek M, Heerema NA, Stilgenbauer S, Chanan-Khan AA. Final results of a multicenter phase 1 study of lenalidomide in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma. 2012 Mar;53(3):417-23. Epub 2011 Nov 15.
- Böttcher S, Ritgen M, Fischer K, Stilgenbauer S, Busch RM, Fingerle-Rowson G, Fink AM, Bühler A, Zenz T, Wenger MK, Mendila M, Wendtner CM, Eichhorst BF, Döhner H, Hallek MJ, Kneba M. Minimal residual disease quantification is an independent predictor of progression-free and overall survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a multivariate analysis from the randomized GCLLSG CLL8 trial. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Mar 20;30(9):980-8. Epub 2012 Feb 13.
- Kofler DM, Gawlik BB, Elter T, Gianella-Borradori A, Wendtner CM, Hallek M. Phase 1b trial of atacicept, a recombinant protein binding BLyS and APRIL, in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia. 2012 Apr;26(4):841-4. Epub 2011 Oct 7.
- Kümmerle T, Fätkenheuer G, Hallek M. Tollwut-Impfung: wann und wie? Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2012 Apr;137(15):789-92. Epub 2012 Apr 10.
- Zenz T, Gribben JG, Hallek M, Döhner H, Keating MJ, Stilgenbauer S. Risk categories and refractory CLL in the era of chemoimmunotherapy. Blood. 2012 May 3;119(18):4101-7. Epub 2012 Mar 6.
- Engert A, Haverkamp H, Kobe C, Markova J, Renner C, Ho A, Zijlstra J, Král Z, Fuchs M, Hallek M, Kanz L, Döhner H, Dörken B, Engel N, Topp M, Klutmann S, Amthauer H, Bockisch A, Kluge R, Kratochwil C, Schober O, Greil R, Andreesen R, Kneba M, Pfreundschuh M, Stein H, Eich HT, Müller RP, Dietlein M, Borchmann P, Diehl V; German Hodgkin Study Group; Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Medikamentöse Tumortherapie. Reduced-intensity chemotherapy and PET-guided radiotherapy in patients with advanced stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HD15 trial): a randomised, open-label, phase 3 non-inferiority trial. Lancet. 2012 May 12;379(9828):1791-9. Epub 2012 Apr 4.
- Dreger P, Döhner H, McClanahan F, Busch R, Ritgen M, Greinix H, Fink AM, Knauf W, Stadler M, Pfreundschuh M, Dührsen U, Brittinger G, Hensel M, Schetelig J, Winkler D, Bühler A, Kneba M, Schmitz N, Hallek M, Stilgenbauer S; German CLL Study Group. Early autologous stem cell transplantation for chronic lymphocytic leukemia: long-term follow-up of the German CLL Study Group CLL3 trial. Blood. 2012 May 24;119(21):4851-9. Epub 2012 Apr 5.
- Hallek M. FCA: forget chemoimmunotherapy with alemtuzumab? Blood. 2012 May 31;119(22):5059-60.
- Isfort S, Cramer P, Hallek M. Novel and emerging drugs for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2012 Jun;12(5):471-83.
- Vehreschild JJ, Müller C, Farowski F, Vehreschild MJ, Cornely OA, Fuhr U, Kreuzer KA, Hallek M, Kohl V. Factors influencing the pharmacokinetics of prophylactic posaconazole oral suspension in patients with acute myeloid leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2012 Jun;68(6):987-95.
- Köppler H, Fuss H, Hurtz HJ, Knigge O, Losem C, Reschke D, Schmitz S, Weide R, Weiß J, Hallek M; GCLLSG. Bendamustine plus mitoxantrone for relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL): results of a multicentre phase II study of the German CLL Study Group (GCLLSG). Br J Haematol. 2012 Jul;158(2):238-241. Epub 2012 May 10.
- Pospisilova S, Gonzalez D, Malcikova J, Trbusek M, Rossi D, Kater AP, Cymbalista F, Eichhorst B, Hallek M, Döhner H, Hillmen P, van Oers M, Gribben J, Ghia P, Montserrat E, Stilgenbauer S, Zenz T. ERIC recommendations on TP53 mutation analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia. 2012 Jul;26(7):1458-61. Epub 2012 Feb 2. https://doi.org/10.1038/leu.2012.25
- Kluin-Nelemans HC, Hoster E, Hermine O, Walewski J, Trneny M, Geisler CH, Stilgenbauer S, Thieblemont C, Vehling-Kaiser U, Doorduijn JK, Coiffier B, Forstpointner R, Tilly H, Kanz L, Feugier P, Szymczyk M, Hallek M, Kremers S, Lepeu G, Sanhes L, Zijlstra JM, Bouabdallah R, Lugtenburg PJ, Macro M, Pfreundschuh M, Procházka V, Di Raimondo F, Ribrag V, Uppenkamp M, André M, Klapper W, Hiddemann W, Unterhalt M, Dreyling MH. Treatment of older patients with mantle-cell lymphoma. N Engl J Med. 2012 Aug 9;367(6):520-31.
- Rath T, Hackenbroch M, Saech J, Hallek M, Rubbert A. Longterm remission of more than 5 years in a patient with progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy and sarcoidosis. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2012 Sep;114(7):1057-8. Epub 2012 Mar 3.
- Hamprecht A, Buchheidt D, Vehreschild JJ, Cornely OA, Spiess B, Plum G, Halbsguth TV, Kutsch N, Stippel D, Kahl P, Persigehl T, Steinbach A, Bos B, Hallek M, Vehreschild MJ. Azole-resistant invasive aspergillosis in a patient with acute myeloid leukaemia in Germany. Euro Surveill. 2012 Sep 6;17(36):20262.
- Fischer K, Cramer P, Busch R, Böttcher S, Bahlo J, Schubert J, Pflüger KH, Schott S, Goede V, Isfort S, von Tresckow J, Fink AM, Bühler A, Winkler D, Kreuzer KA, Staib P, Ritgen M, Kneba M, Döhner H, Eichhorst BF, Hallek M, Stilgenbauer S, Wendtner CM. Bendamustine in combination with rituximab for previously untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a multicenter phase II trial of the German Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Study Group. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Sep 10;30(26):3209-16. Epub 2012 Aug 6.
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- Ullrich RT, Zander T, Wolf J, Hallek M. Personalisierte Therapie von Lungenkrebs. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2012 Oct;137(42):2179-80. Epub 2012 Oct 10.
- Schwamb J, Feldhaus V, Baumann M, Patz M, Brodesser S, Brinker R, Claasen J, Pallasch CP, Hallek M, Wendtner CM, Frenzel LP. B-cell receptor triggers drug sensitivity of primary CLL cells by controlling glucosylation of ceramides. Blood. 2012 Nov 8;120(19):3978-85. Epub 2012 Aug 27.
- Bauer K, Rancea M, Roloff V, Elter T, Hallek M, Engert A, Skoetz N. Rituximab, ofatumumab and other monoclonal anti-CD20 antibodies for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Nov 14;11:CD008079.
- Elter T, James R, Busch R, Winkler D, Ritgen M, Böttcher S, Kahl C, Gassmann W, Stauch M, Hasan I, Staib P, Fischer K, Fink AM, Bahlo J, Bühler A, Döhner H, Wendtner CM, Stilgenbauer S, Engert A, Hallek M. Fludarabine and cyclophosphamide in combination with alemtuzumab in patients with primary high-risk, relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia. 2012 Dec;26(12):2549-52. Epub 2012 May 15.
- Hallek M, Schröter T. Die Zukunft der internistischen Weiterbildung in Deutschland. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2012 Dec;137(49):2591-4. Epub 2012 Nov 27.
- Liss BJ, Vehreschild JJ, Cornely OA, Hallek M, Fätkenheuer G, Wisplinghoff H, Seifert H, Vehreschild MJ. Intestinal colonisation and blood stream infections due to vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBLE) in patients with haematological and oncological malignancies. Infection. 2012 Dec;40(6):613-9. Epub 2012 Jun 5.
- Schweighofer CD, Tuchscherer A, Sperka S, Meyer T, Rattel B, Stein S, Ismail S, Elter T, Staib P, Reiser M, Hallek M. Clinical safety and pharmacological profile of the HLA-DR antibody 1D09C3 in patients with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia and lymphoma: results from a phase I study. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2012 Dec;61(12):2367-73. Epub 2012 Oct 23.
- Baumann FT, Zimmer P, Finkenberg K, Hallek M, Bloch W, Elter T. Influence of endurance exercise on the risk of pneumonia and Fever in leukemia and lymphoma patients undergoing high dose chemotherapy. A pilot study. J Sports Sci Med. 2012 Dec 1;11(4):638-42.
- Edelmann J, Holzmann K, Miller F, Winkler D, Bühler A, Zenz T, Bullinger L, Kühn MW, Gerhardinger A, Bloehdorn J, Radtke I, Su X, Ma J, Pounds S, Hallek M, Lichter P, Korbel J, Busch R, Mertens D, Downing JR, Stilgenbauer S, Döhner H. High-resolution genomic profiling of chronic lymphocytic leukemia reveals new recurrent genomic alterations. Blood. 2012 Dec 6;120(24):4783-94. Epub 2012 Oct 9.
- Hallek M. Signaling the end of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: new frontline treatment strategies. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2013;2013:138-50.
- Hallek M, Knauf W, Dreyling M, Trümper L. Aktuelle und künftige Indikationen mit Bendamustin: chronische lymphatische Leukämie, indolente Lymphome, Mantelzell-Lymphome und diffuse großzellige B-Zell-Lymphome. Onkologie. 2013;36(Suppl 1):11-8. Epub 2013 Jan 28.
- Ihrig K, Fath B, Fuchs M, Hallek M, Marschner N, Naumann R, Röllig C, Saussele S, Tesch H, Gökbuget N. Akademische multizentrische Studien im Fokus: Auswirkungen der Arzneimittelgesetzgebung auf Therapieoptimierungsstudien in der Hämatologie/Onkologie. Onkologie. 2013;36(Suppl 2):23-8.
- Münch RC, Janicki H, Völker I, Rasbach A, Hallek M, Büning H, Buchholz CJ. Displaying high-affinity ligands on adeno-associated viral vectors enables tumor cell-specific and safe gene transfer. Mol Ther. 2013 Jan;21(1):109-18. Epub 2012 Sep 11.
- Rawstron AC, Böttcher S, Letestu R, Villamor N, Fazi C, Kartsios H, de Tute RM, Shingles J, Ritgen M, Moreno C, Lin K, Pettitt AR, Kneba M, Montserrat E, Cymbalista F, Hallek M, Hillmen P, Ghia P. Improving efficiency and sensitivity: European Research Initiative in CLL (ERIC) update on the international harmonised approach for flow cytometric residual disease monitoring in CLL. Leukemia. 2013 Jan;27(1):142-9. Epub 2012 Jul 31.
- Reinart N, Nguyen PH, Boucas J, Rosen N, Kvasnicka HM, Heukamp L, Rudolph C, Ristovska V, Velmans T, Mueller C, Reiners KS, von Strandmann EP, Krause G, Montesinos-Rongen M, Schlegelberger B, Herling M, Hallek M, Fingerle-Rowson G. Delayed development of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the absence of macrophage migration inhibitory factor. Blood. 2013 Jan 31;121(5):812-21. Epub 2012 Nov 1.
- Hallek M. Große Bedeutung einer unabhängigen klinischen Forschung für die Evaluation neuer Therapieverfahren. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2013 Feb;138(5):167. Epub 2013 Jan 22.
- Hallek M, Wolf J. Personalisierte Therapie. Internist (Berl). 2013 Feb;54(2):145-6.
- Stilgenbauer S, Hallek M. Chronische lymphatische Leukämie. Therapie und genetisches Risikoprofil. Internist (Berl). 2013 Feb;54(2):164, 166-70.
- Thiem S, Pierce TP, Palmieri M, Putoczki TL, Buchert M, Preaudet A, Farid RO, Love C, Catimel B, Lei Z, Rozen S, Gopalakrishnan V, Schaper F, Hallek M, Boussioutas A, Tan P, Jarnicki A, Ernst M. mTORC1 inhibition restricts inflammation-associated gastrointestinal tumorigenesis in mice. J Clin Invest. 2013 Feb;123(2):767-81. Epub 2013 Jan 16.
- Theurich S, Malcher J, Wennhold K, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Chemnitz J, Holtick U, Krause A, Kobe C, Kahraman D, Engert A, Scheid C, Chakupurakal G, Hallek M, von Bergwelt-Baildon M. Brentuximab vedotin combined with donor lymphocyte infusions for early relapse of Hodgkin lymphoma after allogeneic stem-cell transplantation induces tumor-specific immunity and sustained clinical remission. J Clin Oncol. 2013 Feb 10;31(5):e59-63. Epub 2012 Dec 26.
- Suárez I, Langerbeins P, Mattonet C, Birtel A, Fresen MM, Kochanek M, Hallek M, Fätkenheuer G. Morbiditäts- und Mortalitätskonferenz in der Inneren Medizin: Erfahrungen an der Uniklinik Köln. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2013 Mar;138(13):655-7. Epub 2013 Mar 19.
- Böttcher S, Hallek M, Ritgen M, Kneba M. The role of minimal residual disease measurements in the therapy for CLL: is it ready for prime time? Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2013 Apr;27(2):267-88.
- Goede V, Fischer K, Busch R, Jaeger U, Dilhuydy MS, Wickham N, De Guibert S, Ritgen M, Langerak AW, Bieska G, Engelke A, Humphrey K, Wenger M, Hallek M. Chemoimmunotherapy with GA101 plus chlorambucil in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and comorbidity: results of the CLL11 (BO21004) safety run-in. Leukemia. 2013 Apr;27(5):1172-4. Epub 2012 Aug 31.
- Würthwein G, Cornely OA, Trame MN, Vehreschild JJ, Vehreschild MJ, Farowski F, Müller C, Boos J, Hempel G, Hallek M, Groll AH. Population pharmacokinetics of escalating doses of caspofungin in a phase II study of patients with invasive aspergillosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Apr;57(4):1664-71. Epub 2013 Jan 18.
- Dreger P, Schnaiter A, Zenz T, Böttcher S, Rossi M, Paschka P, Bühler A, Dietrich S, Busch R, Ritgen M, Bunjes D, Zeis M, Stadler M, Uharek L, Scheid C, Hegenbart U, Hallek M, Kneba M, Schmitz N, Döhner H, Stilgenbauer S. TP53, SF3B1, and NOTCH1 mutations and outcome of allotransplantation for chronic lymphocytic leukemia: six-year follow-up of the GCLLSG CLL3X trial. Blood. 2013 Apr 18;121(16):3284-8. Epub 2013 Feb 22.
- Reiners KS, Topolar D, Henke A, Simhadri VR, Kessler J, Sauer M, Bessler M, Hansen HP, Tawadros S, Herling M, Krönke M, Hallek M, Pogge von Strandmann E. Soluble ligands for NK cell receptors promote evasion of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells from NK cell anti-tumor activity. Blood. 2013 May 2;121(18):3658-65. Epub 2013 Mar 18.
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- Theurich S, Wennhold K, Wedemeyer I, Rothe A, Hübel K, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Holtick U, Hallek M, Scheid C, von Bergwelt-Baildon M. CD30-targeted therapy with brentuximab vedotin and DLI in a patient with T-cell posttransplantation lymphoma: induction of clinical remission and cellular immunity. Transplantation. 2013 Aug 15;96(3):e16-8.
- Göbel M, Eisele L, Möllmann M, Hüttmann A, Johansson P, Scholtysik R, Bergmann M, Busch R, Döhner H, Hallek M, Seiler T, Stilgenbauer S, Klein-Hitpass L, Dührsen U, Dürig J. Progranulin is a novel independent predictor of disease progression and overall survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. PLoS One. 2013 Aug 23;8(8):e72107.
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- Theurich S, Fischmann H, Chakupurakal G, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Chemnitz JM, Holtick U, Rothe A, Scheid C, Hallek M, Skoetz N, von Bergwelt-Baildon M. Anti-thymocyte globulins for post-transplant graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis-A systematic review and meta-analysis. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2013 Oct;88(1):178-86. Epub 2013 Apr 2.
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- Hallek M. Deutschland soll ein international sichtbarer Innovationsstandort in der Gesundheitsforschung warden. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2014 Feb;139(6):227. Epub 2014 Jan 28.
- Heimann SM, Cornely OA, Vehreschild MJ, Glossmann J, Kochanek M, Kreuzer KA, Hallek M, Vehreschild JJ. Treatment cost development of patients undergoing remission induction chemotherapy: a pharmacoeconomic analysis before and after introduction of posaconazole prophylaxis. Mycoses. 2014 Feb;57(2):90-7. Epub 2013 Jun 24.
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- Hansen HP, Engels HM, Dams M, Paes Leme AF, Pauletti BA, Simhadri VL, Dürkop H, Reiners KS, Barnert S, Engert A, Schubert R, Quondamatteo F, Hallek M, Pogge von Strandmann E. Protrusion-guided extracellular vesicles mediate CD30 trans-signalling in the microenvironment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. J Pathol. 2014 Mar;232(4):405-14.
- von Tresckow B, Boell B, Eichenauer D, Beschorner D, Knop S, Goebeler ME, Chemnitz JM, Hallek M, Engert A, Huebel K. Anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibody cetuximab in refractory or relapsed multiple myeloma: a phase II prospective clinical trial. Leuk Lymphoma. 2014 Mar;55(3):695-7. Epub 2013 Jul 29.
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- Coutelle O, Hornig-Do HT, Witt A, Andree M, Schiffmann LM, Piekarek M, Brinkmann K, Seeger JM, Liwschitz M, Miwa S, Hallek M, Krönke M, Trifunovic A, Eming SA, Wiesner RJ, Hacker UT, Kashkar H. Embelin inhibits endothelial mitochondrial respiration and impairs neoangiogenesis during tumor growth and wound healing. EMBO Mol Med. 2014 May;6(5):624-39.
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- Murawski N, Pfreundschuh M, Zeynalova S, Poeschel V, Hänel M, Held G, Schmitz N, Viardot A, Schmidt C, Hallek M, Witzens-Harig M, Trümper L, Rixecker T, Zwick C. Optimization of rituximab for the treatment of DLBCL (I): dose-dense rituximab in the DENSE-R-CHOP-14 trial of the DSHNHL. Ann Oncol. 2014 Sep;25(9):1800-6. Epub 2014 Jun 13.
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- Zimmer P, Mierau A, Bloch W, Strüder HK, Hülsdünker T, Schenk A, Fiebig L, Baumann FT, Hahn M, Reinart N, Hallek M, Elter T. Post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment in patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a first comprehensive approach to determine cognitive impairments after treatment with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone or rituximab and bendamustine. Leuk Lymphoma. 2015 Feb;56(2):347-52. Epub 2014 Jun 5.
- Coutelle O, Schiffmann LM, Liwschitz M, Brunold M, Goede V, Hallek M, Kashkar H, Hacker UT. Dual targeting of Angiopoetin-2 and VEGF potentiates effective vascular normalisation without inducing empty basement membrane sleeves in xenograft tumours. Br J Cancer. 2015 Feb 3;112(3):495-503. Epub 2015 Jan 6.
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- Chakupurakal G, Leitzke S, Langerbeins P, Schiller J, Schneider PM, Holtick U, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Theurich S, Chemnitz J, Hallek M, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Scheid C. Nonmyeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia offers the possibility of disease control with minimal morbidity and mortality–a single institution experience. Ann Hematol. 2015 Oct;94(10):1717-25. Epub 2015 Aug 12.
- Vasyutina E, Boucas JM, Bloehdorn J, Aszyk C, Crispatzu G, Stiefelhagen M, Breuer A, Mayer P, Lengerke C, Döhner H, Beutner D, Rosenwald A, Stilgenbauer S, Hallek M, Benner A, Herling M. The regulatory interaction of EVI1 with the TCL1A oncogene impacts cell survival and clinical outcome in CLL. Leukemia. 2015 Oct;29(10):2003-14. Epub 2015 May 4.
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- Cramer P, Isfort S, Bahlo J, Stilgenbauer S, Döhner H, Bergmann M, Stauch M, Kneba M, Lange E, Langerbeins P, Pflug N, Kovacs G, Goede V, Fink AM, Elter T, Fischer K, Wendtner CM, Hallek M, Eichhorst B. Outcome of advanced chronic lymphocytic leukemia following different first-line and relapse therapies: a meta-analysis of five prospective trials by the German CLL Study Group (GCLLSG). Haematologica. 2015 Nov;100(11):1451-9. Epub 2015 Aug 27.
- Goede V, Hallek M. Pharmacotherapeutic management of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in patients with comorbidities: New agents, new hope. Drugs Aging. 2015 Nov;32(11):877-86.
- Göckeritz E, Kerwien S, Baumann M, Wigger M, Vondey V, Neumann L, Landwehr T, Wendtner CM, Klein C, Liu N, Hallek M, Frenzel LP, Krause G. Efficacy of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase inhibitors with diverse isoform selectivity profiles for inhibiting the survival of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. Int J Cancer. 2015 Nov 1;137(9):2234-42. Epub 2015 May 12.
- Schlößer HA, Drebber U, Kloth M, Thelen M, Rothschild SI, Haase S, Garcia-Marquez M, Wennhold K, Berlth F, Urbanski A, Alakus H, Schauss A, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Theurich S, Warnecke-Ebertz U, Stippel DL, Zippelius A, Büttner R, Hallek M, Hölscher AH, Zander T, Mönig SP, von Bergwelt-Baildon M. Immune checkpoints programmed death 1 ligand 1 and cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated molecule 4 in gastric adenocarcinoma. Oncoimmunology. 2015 Nov 9;5(5):e1100789.
- Heimann SM, Vehreschild JJ, Cornely OA, Wisplinghoff H, Hallek M, Goldbrunner R, Böttiger BW, Goeser T, Hölscher A, Baldus S, Müller F, Jazmati N, Wingen S, Franke B, Vehreschild MJ. Economic burden of Clostridium difficile associated diarrhoea: a cost-of-illness study from a German tertiary care hospital. Infection. 2015 Dec;43(6):707-14. Epub 2015 Jun 30.
- Freeman CL, Morschhauser F, Sehn L, Dixon M, Houghton R, Lamy T, Fingerle-Rowson G, Wassner-Fritsch E, Gribben JG, Hallek M, Salles G, Cartron G. Cytokine release in patients with CLL treated with obinutuzumab and possible relationship with infusion-related reactions. Blood. 2015 Dec 10;126(24):2646-9. Epub 2015 Oct 7.
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- Goede V, Busch R, Bahlo J, Chataline V, Kremers S, Müller L, Reschke D, Schlag R, Schmidt B, Vehling-Kaiser U, Wedding U, Stilgenbauer S, Hallek M. Low-dose fludarabine with or without darbepoetin alfa in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and comorbidity: primary results of the CLL9 trial of the German CLL Study Group. Leuk Lymphoma. 2016;57(3):596-603. Epub 2015 Oct 12. https://doi.org/10.3109/10428194.2015.1079314
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- Wendtner CM, Hallek M, Fraser GA, Michallet AS, Hillmen P, Dürig J, Kalaycio M, Gribben JG, Stilgenbauer S, Buhler A, Kipps TJ, Purse B, Zhang J, De Bedout S, Mei J, Chanan-Khan A. Safety and efficacy of different lenalidomide starting doses in patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: results of an international multicenter double-blinded randomized phase II trial. Leuk Lymphoma. 2016;57(6):1291-9. Epub 2016 Jan 14.
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- Holtick U, Chemnitz JM, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Theurich S, Chakupurakal G, Krause A, Fiedler A, Luznik L, Hellmich M, Wolf D, Hallek M, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Scheid C. OCTET-CY: a phase II study to investigate the efficacy of post-transplant cyclophosphamide as sole graft-versus-host prophylaxis after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Eur J Haematol. 2016 Jan;96(1):27-35. Epub 2015 Mar 16.
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- Savani BN, Labopin M, Blaise D, Niederwieser D, Ciceri F, Ganser A, Arnold R, Afanasyev B, Vigouroux S, Milpied N, Hallek M, Cornelissen JJ, Schwerdtfeger R, Polge E, Baron F, Esteve J, Gorin NC, Schmid C, Giebel S, Mohty M, Nagler A. Peripheral blood stem cell graft compared to bone marrow after reduced intensity conditioning regimens for acute leukemia: a report from the ALWP of the EBMT. Haematologica. 2016 Feb;101(2):256-62. Epub 2015 Nov 12.
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- Cramer P, Langerbeins P, Fischer K, Eichhorst B, Hallek M, Goede V. Dose-reduced fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab (FCR) in older patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: does one size fit all? Leuk Lymphoma. 2016 May;57(5):987-90.
- Müller D, Fischer K, Kaiser P, Eichhorst B, Walshe R, Reiser M, Kellermann L, Borsi L, Civello D, Mensch A, Bahlo J, Hallek M, Stock S, Fingerle-Rowson G. Cost-effectiveness of rituximab in addition to fludarabine and cyclophosphamide (R-FC) for the first-line treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma. 2016 May;57(5):1130-9. Epub 2015 Nov 20.
- Holtick U, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Chakupurakal G, Theurich S, Leitzke S, Burst A, Hallek M, von Bergwelt-Baildon M, Scheid C, Chemnitz JM. FLAMSA reduced-intensity conditioning is equally effective in AML patients with primary induction failure as well as in first or second complete remission. Eur J Haematol. 2016 May;96(5):475-82. Epub 2015 Aug 25.
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- Hoster E, Geisler CH, Doorduijn J, van der Holt B, Walewski J, Bloehdorn J, Ribrag V, Salles G, Hallek M, Pott C, Szymczyk M, Kolstad A, Laurell A, Räty R, Jerkeman M, Van’t Veer M, Kluin-Nelemans JC, Klapper W, Unterhalt M, Dreyling M, Hermine O. Total body irradiation after high-dose cytarabine in mantle cell lymphoma: a comparison of Nordic MCL2, HOVON-45, and European MCL Younger trials. Leukemia. 2016 Jun;30(6):1428-30. Epub 2015 Nov 24.
- Krause G, Baki I, Kerwien S, Knödgen E, Neumann L, Göckeritz E, Landwehr T, Heider KH, Hallek M. Cytotoxicity of the CD37 antibody BI 836826 against chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells in combination with chemotherapeutic agents or PI3K inhibitors. Br J Haematol. 2016 Jun;173(5):791-4. Epub 2015 Aug 14.
- Stilgenbauer S, Eichhorst B, Schetelig J, Coutre S, Seymour JF, Munir T, Puvvada SD, Wendtner CM, Roberts AW, Jurczak W, Mulligan SP, Böttcher S, Mobasher M, Zhu M, Desai M, Chyla B, Verdugo M, Enschede SH, Cerri E, Humerickhouse R, Gordon G, Hallek M, Wierda WG. Venetoclax in relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia with 17p deletion: a multicentre, open-label, phase 2 study. Lancet Oncol. 2016 Jun;17(6):768-778. Epub 2016 May 10.
- Dietrich S, Pircher A, Endris V, Peyrade F, Wendtner CM, Follows GA, Hüllein J, Jethwa A, Ellert E, Walther T, Liu X, Dyer MJ, Elter T, Brummer T, Zeiser R, Hermann M, Herold M, Weichert W, Dearden C, Haferlach T, Seiffert M, Hallek M, von Kalle C, Ho AD, Gaehler A, Andrulis M, Steurer M, Zenz T. BRAF inhibition in hairy cell leukemia with low-dose vemurafenib. Blood. 2016 Jun 9;127(23):2847-55. Epub 2016 Mar 3.
- Craddock C, Labopin M, Robin M, Finke J, Chevallier P, Yakoub-Agha I, Bourhis JH, Sengelov H, Blaise D, Luft T, Hallek M, Kröger N, Nagler A, Mohty M. Clinical activity of azacitidine in patients who relapse after allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia. Haematologica. 2016 Jul;101(7):879-83. Epub 2016 Apr 14.
- Eichhorst B, Fink AM, Bahlo J, Busch R, Kovacs G, Maurer C, Lange E, Köppler H, Kiehl M, Sökler M, Schlag R, Vehling-Kaiser U, Köchling G, Plöger C, Gregor M, Plesner T, Trneny M, Fischer K, Döhner H, Kneba M, Wendtner CM, Klapper W, Kreuzer KA, Stilgenbauer S, Böttcher S, Hallek M; international group of investigators; German CLL Study Group (GCLLSG). First-line chemoimmunotherapy with bendamustine and rituximab versus fludarabine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab in patients with advanced chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL10): an international, open-label, randomised, phase 3, non-inferiority trial. Lancet Oncol. 2016 Jul;17(7):928-942. Epub 2016 May 20.
- Zimmer P, Oberste M, Bloch W, Schenk A, Joisten N, Hartig P, Wolf F, Baumann FT, Garthe A, Hallek M, Elter T. Impact of aerobic exercise training during chemotherapy on cancer related cognitive impairments in patients suffering from acute myeloid leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome – Study protocol of a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Contemp Clin Trials. 2016 Jul;49:1-5. Epub 2016 May 31.
- Vyas M, Schneider AC, Shatnyeva O, Reiners KS, Tawadros S, Kloess S, Köhl U, Hallek M, Hansen HP, Pogge von Strandmann E. Mono- and dual-targeting triplebodies activate natural killer cells and have anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo against chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Oncoimmunology. 2016 Jul 15;5(9):e1211220.
- Herling CD, Klaumünzer M, Rocha CK, Altmüller J, Thiele H, Bahlo J, Kluth S, Crispatzu G, Herling M, Schiller J, Engelke A, Tausch E, Döhner H, Fischer K, Goede V, Nürnberg P, Reinhardt HC, Stilgenbauer S, Hallek M, Kreuzer KA. Complex karyotypes and KRAS and POT1 mutations impact outcome in CLL after chlorambucil-based chemotherapy or chemoimmunotherapy. Blood. 2016 Jul 21;128(3):395-404. Epub 2016 May 25.
- Thijssen R, Ter Burg J, Garrick B, van Bochove GG, Brown JR, Fernandes SM, Rodríguez MS, Michot JM, Hallek M, Eichhorst B, Reinhardt HC, Bendell J, Derks IA, van Kampen RJ, Hege K, Kersten MJ, Trowe T, Filvaroff EH, Eldering E, Kater AP. Dual TORK/DNA-PK inhibition blocks critical signaling pathways in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Blood. 2016 Jul 28;128(4):574-83. Epub 2016 May 27.
- Chakupurakal G, García-Márquez MA, Shimabukuro-Vornhagen A, Theurich S, Holtick U, Hallek M, Scheid C, von Bergwelt-Baildon M. Immunological effects in patients with steroid-refractory graft-versus-host disease following treatment with basiliximab, a CD25 monoclonal antibody. Eur J Haematol. 2016 Aug;97(2):121-7. Epub 2015 Nov 16.
- Freeman CL, Dixon M, Houghton R, Kreuzer KA, Fingerle-Rowson G, Herling M, Humphrey K, Böttcher S, de Costa CS, Iglesias V, Stilgenbauer S, Gribben J, Hallek M, Goede V. Role of CD20 expression and other pre-treatment risk factors in the development of infusion-related reactions in patients with CLL treated with obinutuzumab. Leukemia. 2016 Aug;30(8):1763-6. Epub 2016 Mar 4.
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- Pan H, Renaud L, Chaligne R, Bloehdorn J, Tausch E, Mertens D, Fink AM, Fischer K, Zhang C, Betel D, Gnirke A, Imielinski M, Moreaux J, Hallek M, Meissner A, Stilgenbauer S, Wu CJ, Elemento O, Landau DA. Discovery of candidate DNA methylation cancer driver genes. Cancer Discov. 2021 May 10:candisc.1334.2020. [Epub ahead of print].
- Al-Sawaf O, Gentile B, Devine J, Zhang C, Sail K, Tandon M, Fink AM, Kutsch N, Wendtner CM, Eichhorst B, Hallek M, Fischer K. Health-related quality of life with fixed-duration venetoclax-obinutuzumab for previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Results from the randomized, phase 3 CLL14 trialAm J Hematol. 2021 May 29. [Epub ahead of print].
- Simon ST, Pralong A, Hallek M, Scheid C, Holtick U, Herling M. What is known about palliative care in adult patients with allogeneic stem cell transplantation (allo-SCT)? Ann Hematol. 2021 Jun;100(6):1377-1389. [Epub 2021 May 6].
- Augustin M, Hallek M, Nitschmann S. Impfstoffentwicklung zur Prävention von COVID-19 – Teil 3 [Development of vaccines for prevention of COVID-19: part 3]. Internist (Berl). 2021 Jun;62(6):690-693. German. [Epub 2021 May 27].
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- Arshad U, Taubert M, Seeger-Nukpezah T, Ullah S, Spindeldreier KC, Jaehde U, Hallek M, Fuhr U, Vehreschild JJ, Jakob C. Evaluation of body-surface-area adjusted dosing of high-dose methotrexate by population pharmacokinetics in a large cohort of cancer patients. BMC Cancer. 2021 Jun 20;21(1):719.
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- Castelli L, Elter T, Wolf F, Watson M, Schenk A, Steindorf K, Bloch W, Hallek M, Joisten N, Zimmer P. Sleep problems and their interaction with physical activity and fatigue in hematological cancer patients during onset of high dose chemotherapySupport Care Cancer. 2021 Jul 10. [Epub ahead of print].