iwCLL seeks proposals from interested parties to host the iwCLL 2027 Biennial Meeting. This document details the application process for those parties interested. Any questions relating to the application process should be directed to the iwCLL Executive Office [email protected]
To note: iwCLL alternates the Biennial Meeting location between Europe and USA.
iwCLL does not accept applications from potential hosts from remote areas of the world. This is due to difficulties in securing industry support, flight costs for the major scientific contributors and the costs to delegates attending.
iwCLL does however hold regional conferences in remote areas of the world. Please contact the iwCLL Executive Office if you are interested in holding a regional conference.
The iwCLL
About the iwCLL
About Us
The International Workshop on CLL is an international, non-profit association registered in Cologne, Germany, which is committed to creating progress regarding the management and outcome of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia world-wide.
The vision of iwCLL is a world where all patients with CLL can be cured.
- iwCLL is committed to creating progress regarding the management and outcome of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia world-wide.
- The purpose of iwCLL is to foster research and promote education of physicians and scientists on the treatment and on the clinical, translational and basic science on CLL.
- iwCLL wants to attract scientists and physicians working in this field.
- iwCLL is committed to render optimal therapies available to all patients with CLL in the world regardless of their income, education, gender, geographic region and health care system of their country.
- This mission of iwCLL will be achieved by organising scientific events and meetings, support and/or fund research projects, including commissioning research. iwCLL gives awards to scientists and clinicians that have contributed significantly to the field.
Our values are:
- being refreshing and thought-provoking in our approach
- fostering collaboration
- being inclusive
- acknowledging hard work and scientific achievements
- enabling transparency
- creating an atmosphere of respect and truthfulness
iwCLL is organized for the following purposes:
- development and support of clinical, translational and fundamental research activities on CLL and related diseases;
- support of the interaction and cooperation between clinical experts (physicians, study groups) and scientific/research groups on CLL and related areas on an international level;
- establishment of general standards regarding
- diagnostics and therapies for CLL patients
- implementation and harmonization of clinical studies on CLL and related diseases;
- support of international communication and publications of clinical and scientific know-how on CLL and related diseases;
- regular organization of congresses, symposia and conferences in order to support the activities as described under No. 1-3.
Organizational Structure
The iwCLL Executive Board is the main decision-making body of the association. It consists of one chairperson, one deputy chairperson, one secretary, one treasurer and if, elected by the general assembly, of one or several administrative directors.
For further information on the organizational structure of the association please refer to Appendix A.
The Biennial Meeting
The Biennial Meeting which is held in different locations throughout the world focuses solely on advancing the understanding and treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and related lymphoproliferative disorders. Founded in 1979, the iwCLL Biennial Meeting is now the largest international meeting dedicated to advancing state-of-the-art and emerging concepts – from laboratory-based research to the clinic – in the pathobiology and treatment of these blood cancers.
The Biennial Meeting is intended to provide a forum that promotes the exchange of information and encourages collaboration among international leaders and scientists interested in CLL and lymphoproliferative disorders. The Biennial Meeting attracts around 1400 delegates from over 40 countries.
Previous Biennial Meetings
Please find below a list of previous Biennial Meetings:
Year | Location City | Location Country | Number of Participants |
1979 | Paris | France | 10 |
1980 | Montreal | Canada | 10 |
1986 | Dubrovnik | Croatia | 50 |
1986 | Napa Valley | USA | 60 |
1988 | Barcelona | Spain | 8 |
1989 | Surrey | England | 20 |
1989 | Paris | France | 60 |
1991 | Stiges/Barcelona | Spain | 60 |
1994 | Saint Louis | USA | 60 |
1997 | Heraklion, Crete | Greece | 200 |
1999 | Paris | France | 250 |
2002 | San Diego | USA | 250 |
2003 | Stresa | Italy | 400 |
2005 | New York (Brooklyn) | New York | 500 |
2007 | London | UK | 800 |
2009 | Barcelona | Spain | 1,148 |
2011 | Houston | USA | 566 |
2013 | Cologne | Germany | 993 |
2015 | Sydney | Australia | 650 |
2017 | New York | USA | 1,200 |
2019 | Edinburgh | UK | 1,321 |
2021 | Virtual | Virtual | 1,466 |
2023 | Boston | USA | |
2025 | Kraków | Poland |
2021 Biennial Meeting Data
Please refer to Appendix B for historical biennial meeting data.
Time Commitment for the Chair of the Biennial Meeting
The time commitment is estimated at a total of 100 hours. The work is intermittent and is dependent on the meeting timeline.
Failure to meet deadlines can critically affect the meeting costs and flow.
Please refer Appendix C for Job Description – Biennial Meeting Chair.
Budget and Resources
- The financial liability of the Biennial Meeting lies fully with iwCLL.
- Any profit from the Biennial Meeting will be retained by iwCLL. iwCLL does not guarantee any profit for the local organizer. iwCLL may at their discretion reimburse the local organizer for their time and effort.
- Bio Ascend LLC is the contracted Professional Conference Organizer of iwCLL. Bio Ascend LLC will partner with the Biennial Meeting Chair to plan and execute the Biennial Meeting.
- iwCLL does not provide secretarial assistance for the Biennial Meeting Chair nor does it reimburse Biennial Meeting Chairs’ secretaries for providing secretarial assistance.
Decision Criteria for Biennial Meeting
The iwCLL Executive Board chooses Biennial Meeting destinations on a number of factors.
Three conference days (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) with the Young Investigator Meeting and the Exhibition build being held before the main meeting on Friday.
- Dates should be in September with preference given to the second and third weekend. Care should be taken to avoid clashes with other conflicting scientific/medical meetings aswell as events in the chosen city that may affect accommodation and meeting venue space costs. Conflicts with religious holidays should also be avoided.
- internationally recognized destination with an international airport hosting numerous airlines, serving multiple worldwide destinations within reasonable distance of the city.
- enough hotel bedrooms to accommodate delegates (for those not wishing to stay at the conference venue) within easy reach of the conference venue to suit all budgets.
Conference Venue
The conference venue which should ideally have meeting space and accommodation facilities (attached or nearby) with a minimum of 600 contractable sleeping rooms on peak nights and should offer the following:
- Mother’s room (~500 sq. ft)
- Press room (~900 sq. ft.)
- Prayer room (~800 sq. ft.)
- Filming room (~1,000 sq. ft.)
- Speaker ready room (~1,500 sq. ft.)
Social Programme
- A Welcome Reception hosted at the Conference Venue or at a unique offsite location (500 -1000 participants capacity)
- Faculty/Committee Dinner at an outside venue (125 participants)
Financial Viability
The financial viability of the Biennial Meeting is a major deciding factor for the iwCLL Executive Board. Industry support for the meeting, flight costs for the major scientific contributors, and the costs to delegates attending will be taken into account when making the decision.
Human Resource
The Biennial Meeting Chair should have an international reputation for great scientific achievement and dedication to research in CLL with previous experience of being involved in organizing major international meetings. The Biennial Meeting will be supported by the following committees;
- Local Organizing Committee; works in collaboration with the International Programme Committee Chair and other committee members to help in the oversight in the planning, hosting decisions, abstract scoring (as requested by the Chair) and publicizing the meeting. The committee can have between 3 and 10 members.
- International Programme Committee;works in collaboration with the Programme Chair to develop the workshop outline, agenda and identifies proposed faculty and session chairs as well as scoring abstracts. The committee can have between 3 and 10 members. The immediate past Biennial Meeting Chair will serve on the International Programme Committee.
- Young Investigators Meeting Committee; works in collaboration with the YIM Co-chairs and other committee members to develop the YIM meeting agenda and to score YIM abstract submissions. The committee can have between 3 and 10 members.
A full proposal should include the information outlined below. The decision of the iwCLL Executive Board will be influenced by; available dates, availability of adequate infrastructure, satisfactory facilities for holding the meeting, level of local interest – historical, cultural etc, financial viability of holding the meeting in the host city and level of experience of the applicant.
The proposed meeting date(s) available at the suggested venue should be clearly stated. The dates should be provisionally held until after the announcement of decision date.
Location and Conference Venue
- name, contact details, location and description of the venue.
- details of access for international travellers airlines servicing the local airport, destinations served, number of daily flights and distance from the city.
- floor plan showing the proposed meeting space, room capacities and dimensions highlighting the proximity to the registration and exhibition area.
- floor plan of the proposed registration area showing the dimensions.
- floor plan of the proposed exhibition area showing the dimensions.
- quotation from the proposed venue to hold the Biennial Meeting with details of the in-house services included in the contract (ie audiovisual, catering etc ). If the in-house service costs are not included in the contract a full quotation from third parties should be obtained for the proposal.
- details of experience of the proposed venue in managing major international meetings.
- details of any subvention offered by the host city.
- meeting hotel map, indicating hotel names, ratings, room rates, distance to conference venue
Social Programme
- 2 or 3 suggestions on where to hold the Welcome Reception
- 2 or 3 suggestions on where to hold the Faculty/Committee Dinner
Human Resource
Please detail on The Application Form your experience in organizing major international meetings and your suggestions for members of the various committees.
Submission of Application
The following documents should be addressed to the iwCLL Executive Office, Kerpener Str. 62, 50937 Cologne, Germany and sent by email to [email protected]
- The Application Form
- The Proposal
- Quotation from the Conference Venue and if necessary the relevant third parties
Timeline for Application
If iwCLL have any questions regarding your application these will be sent to the email address on the application form 2 weeks after the closing date.
If your Application is Successful
- You will receive the Manual – Chairs of Biennial Meeting.
- You will be invited to present an outline of the 2027 Biennial Meeting at the 2025 Biennial Meeting in Krakow, Poland.
- The iwCLL will nominate a Liaison Officer who will be a point of contact at iwCLL for the Biennial Meeting Chair, the Biennial Meeting Local Organizing Committee, International Programme Committee and the Professional Conference Organizer.
Appendix A iwCLL Governance Structure
Appendix B 2021 Biennial Meeting Data
Appendix C Job Description – Biennial Meeting Chair
Information and Instructions to Host the Biennial Meeting 2027